Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett: I Get A Kick Out of You (music video)
Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett: Love For Sale (album trailer)
Jeremy Zucker and Chelsea Cutler: Emily (live Late Night with Stephen Colbert)
Bria Skonberg: So Is The Day (music video)
Valerie June: SHAKEDOWN! (music video)
Jeremy Zucker: Supercuts (live performance)
Tony Bennett and Diana Krall: Our Love Is Here To Stay (documentary special)
Dylan Brady: I Hate California (music video)
Winnetka Bowling League: The Romantic Way (live performance)
Joe Henry: Glorious Dead (music video)
Fleet Foxes: I Am Not My Season (live performance)
Paul Simon and Wynton Marsalis: Pigs, Sheep and Wolves (from documentary In The Blue Light)
Paul Simon and pianist Sullivan Fortner: Some Folks Lives Roll Easy (from In The Blue Light)
Alison Moorer/Shelby Lynne: Not Dark Yet (live performance from short documentary Fly Low, Stay Close)